Saturday, October 31, 2009

iscf smkRD sedia ke Gereja

harijadi ahli iscf smkRD 2009
ISCF SMKLB team present a song in SIB Sarikei

seminar -Mengkaji Alkitab

Christian Character Develop in ISCF

Thank God for the privilege to serve among ISCF for the past 10 years in Sibu. Through regular visit, preaching, teaching and encouraging many students has been renewed by the power of His mighty word. Their character has developed into Christlikeness. Praise God.
Indeed it was through close contact with the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, the character of peoples throughout history has been transformed. John, a son of thunder, became the aposlte of love. Paul, a hardened persecutor of God's people, gradually took on the gentleness of "a mother caring for her little children"- 1 Tesalonians 2:7.
I remember a student whom I knew in one of ISCF groups. Her teacher shared with me that before he joined the ISCF weekly meeting he was famous by his poor behaviour. Praised God, he was changed completely after he opened his heart and invited Jesus to be his Saviour of his life. The Bible says-"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold. all things have become new" 2 Corinthians 5:17. Another verse says, Jesus has redeemed us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.-Titus 2:14.
I pray that all christian students should develop the character of Christ in their life so that they will become more effective in their witness for the Lord. Now I rejoiced that few of the students that we have ministered faithfully walking in the truth and become committed in their service for the Lord.
Please pray and support ISCF ministry at your areas. Knowing that your labor is not in vain
in the Lord. God bless you. Amen

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ISCF smk JO.

Prayer for ISCFers whom I love in Jesus' name.

Our Father in Heaven, You are the source of love and grace.
I pray for students who are faithful in their walk with you as well as active in all ISCF activities.
Lord fill them with your Spirit that they might humble before your presence. Lord, I realize that they will not be truly humble before you unless your Spirit fills them every day and the mind of CHRIST renews their thoughts and attiudes every step of their life.

Help them to choose to serve you and worship you no matter where they go, when they leave their school.
Thank you for the promise of your presence upon your peoples. Bless and guide them every day. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pelajar Mengkaji Firman di Gereja Betel

Trip to Sarikei with ISCF smk Luar Bandar sibu 18.10.2009

excited to attend sunday service

iscf smkrd- Ready go to church

lanang-iscf smk lanang

Monday, October 19, 2009

jamuan akhir tahun 2009 [iscf smk SJ]

Read the Bible aloud in every ISCF meeting

How Good & Pleasant it is to praise the Lord in unity!

Inti Pati Pelayanan SU~ISCF

Segala pujian dan kemuliaan kita beri kepada Tuhan kerana sesungguhnya begitu ramai remaja telah mendengar Injil tentang Yesus dan menerima Dia sebagai Tuhan dan juruselamat melalui Pelayanan SU~ISCF. Bahkan ramai remaja yang telah dilayani dalam ISCF telah menjadi Pemimpin dalam semua bidang pelayanan Tuhan hari ini. Selain daripada itu mereka telah menjadi saksi Kristus yang amat berkesan kerana ada perubahan dalam perbuatan, kelakuan dan ucapan. Umat Tuhan yang telah menjdi milikNya harus menjadikan mereka berusaha berbuat baik [Titus 2:14]
Ketahuilah Matlamat Pelayanan SU adalah untuk memperkenalkan Yesus kepada remaja dan mendorong mereka membaca Firman Tuhan serta merenungkannya siang dan malam seperti kenyataan dalam Mazmur 1:1-3.
Kerinduan kami agar semua remaja yang telah dilayani terus bertumbuh dalam iman dan menjadi matang dalam Tuhan serta komited untuk melayani Tuhan dimana sahaja mereka berada pada masa kini dan pada masa akan datang.
Tuhan memberkati semua remaja yang telah menyertai program ISCF.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Turn to the Lord

For my dear ISCFers
Let examine your ways before the Lord and ask Him to test your mind. You may ask advice from your ISCF advisors and pastors who serve among you. If you find that you are far away from the Lord, return to Him and lift up your hearts and your hands to our heavenly Father and confess your sins before Him. He is ready to forgive you and forget all your sins.
It is never too late for you to get back on the right track with God. His grace and compassion never fail.
I would like to encourage all of you who faithfully attend ISCF meeting/camps/activities to remain faithful in your walk with God wherever you go after your spm/stpm. Remember to pray and serve ISCF ministry.
Remember this; He loves you, he will not forget you, he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. Just trust in Him, read the Bible and ask Him to guide you everyday. Amen

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tujuan Tuhan yang mulia

Segala puji syukur ku berikan kepada Tuhan yang mengasihi aku, kepada pastor dan teman yang memimpin aku ke jalan yang benar. Seminggu sebelum ISCF camp diadakan di ulu pakoh aku mempunyai masalah yang amat sukar dimengertikan. Aku hampir menuju ke jalan yang membawa aku semakin jauh daripada kebenaran bahkan hampir melangkah ke jalan menuju kehancuran. Aku tak ada harapan untuk menikmati kebahagiaan dalam hidup.
Betapa indahnya Tuhan, Dia memanggil aku pulang untuk mengikuti jalan yang Dia telah sediakan untuk aku lalui. Firman Tuhan yang terdapat dalam Yesaya 30:21, seperti ada suatu suara dari belakangku yang panggil aku kembali ke jalan Tuhan.
Tuhan tak pernah tinggalkan aku. Oh Tuhan begitu indahnya rencanamu dalam hidup ku. Ini pengakuanku kepada Tuhan. "Ya Tuhan, hidupku hanya untukMu" Melalui pelayanan ISCF aku sedar bahawa hanya dalam Yesus aku menemui Jalan yang membawa kebahagiaan.
Terimakasih pastor kerana melayani ISCF. Aku amat menghargai bimbingan pastor.
[kesaksian seorang pelajar mengikuti iscf camp 2009]
Lord, bless them as they seek to obey you
Lord show us your ways [iscf camp pakoh]

Lord show us your ways [iscf camp Pakoh]
use long boat to attend ISCF camp in the

use long boat to attend ISCF camp in the longhouse

They enjoy the camp so much!

Praise worship Team iscf smk sibujaya

form 6 iscf smkRD 2009

form 5 iscf smkRD 2009

form 3 iscf smkRD 2009

form 6 iscf smk RD 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

form 3 iscf SMK RD 2009

form 3 iscf smkRD 2009

upper 6 iscf smk rd 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

iscf smkrd-fellowship lunch

Party iscf smk sibujaya
Calon PMR ISCF smkRD 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hope In Life-2 Timothy 4:6-8

As I meditated on 2 Timothy 4:6-8, I confessed before God that I do not have that hope. I asked God to place in my heart that I will be able to remain faithful and serve Him to the very end of my life. Paul's final word to Timothy in this letter challenge me and cause me to endure all kinds of hardship in life. Paul said " As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to the Lord. The time of my daeth is near. I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me-the crown of righteousness that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that great day of his retrurn.. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his glorious return."
We may think it is too difficult for us to consider-"With man this is imppossible, but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26. Do trust fully in Him who calls us to be his servant.
It is my prayer and hope that all students who faithfully involve in ISCF ministry have that kind of hope in life for today and forever.